RePurpose, ReUse, ReNew
"New Frame"
I found this frame on the side of the road that someone was tossing out. I am always on the look out for frames of all sizes. We have so much original Art that it is hard to keep up with the framing.
I needed a White frame for my Bathroom. Even though this was black, it was no problem that some paint, sand paper and Windex couldn't fix.
The first thing I did was clean the dirt off the frame and inspected it for any flaws or scratches. I used 120 grit sand paper and lightly sanded the entire frame. This will make a slightly rough surface which is perfect for the paint to adhere to.
I used Primer and Appliance Epoxy spray paint by Rust-oleum.
I love their products. The appliance paint touts that is is good for wet areas so I thought it would be prefect for the bathroom. The paint as well as the sand paper can be found at Home Depot. Paint in a well ventilated area and use a mask and goggles for Safety.
TIME - 1 hour excluding dry time
COST - $10 and I have extra !
Level of Difficulty 1 - on a scale of 1-5
Just like in life...
re-New, re-Use and re-Purpose
Happy Crafting !
Til Later,
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