YourGayHusband Tip of the Day:Take care of your plants and they will take care of you
Winter care for Indoor Plants.I don't know about you but I love being surrounded by plants. If I could live in a green house, I would. Back in the early 90's when Paula Abdul dominated the airwaves, I was working at a Nursery at the
SF Flower Mart...and LOVING it. This is where I
learned how to care for plants.

During the winter months it is important to cut back on the watering of your inside plants. I do 10 days to 2 weeks between watering
during winter. This will vary on the plant. Just make sure it is dry before watering again. The
plants will go into a dormant stage and NOT grow as much and maybe lose a few leaves. This is normal.

This is a perfect time to give your plants some attention before spring. Rinse your plants off completely by either putting the smaller
plants in the shower or spraying the larger plants with a spray bottle.

Every so often you need to dust your plants. The plants with smaller leaves or cactus can be dusted with a feather duster. For your broad leaf plants, I recommend taking a damp cloth and wiping each leaf. If you see any brown edges, go
ahead and trim this off with a sharp pair of scissors. At the nursery they would use a
sharp straight edge razor. This made them look perfect.
Give back to your plants and they will provide not only a beautiful environment but they will help by providing Oxygen and keeping your house fresh.
Lets get to it.
Til Later,
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