YourGayhusband Tip of the Day :
Breathe Deep...Plant a Tree
Weeping Cherry Tree |
Planting a Weeping Cherry Tree
Last year we had to cut down an old Oak tree in our backyard due to fire damage from our garage burning down. We looked and looked for the "right" tree for us and our needs. MyGayHusband was at
Home Depot and found this tree for is PERFECT.
The tree is only ornamental so no fruit which means no mess.
It will get about 20-25 feet tall and 10 feet wide. It is considered a specimen plant. This is a hybrid tree that has been graphed to ensure it's hardiness as well as resistance to insects and decease.
TIME - 2 hours
Level of Difficulty 2 on scale of 1-5
COST - $60 tree, soil, fertilizer
Dig the Hole |
Dig the hole twice as wide and as deep as the pot. I layed down a large piece of burlap to put soil on. This reduces the clean up as well as mud.Make sure there are NO electrical or Gas lines before you dig.
PreSoak before Planting |
Once the hole is dug, fill it with water til it fills up. Let the soil drink up !
This is a perfect Lemonade break time. This will ensure that the plant will get enough water during it's transition.
Fertilize |
You will need to get some soil from the
Home Depot. Mix 1/2 potting soil and 1/2 original soil that you dug out. This will give the tree more nutrients as it begins to grow. I use
Scotts Potting soil as my amendment and
Miracle Grow Fertilizer Spikes for trees. These are time released and should be used in Fall and Spring.
Ventilate Root Ball |
Another Great tip is to make 3-4 slits in the burlap that is protecting the root ball. You will be planting the tree with the burlap still wrapping the root ball. This will allow the tree to grow properly and protect the roots until it is established. It dissolves in about 1 year.
Make it Level |
Before putting the tree into the hole you will want to mix your
Scotts potting soil with the soil you removed when digging the hole. This will help it adjust and not make the soil too rich. Set the tree into the hole and make any adjustments ensuring it is straight and level.
back filling with mixed amended soil |
Now it is time to back fill with the soil mixture. Make sure that you take your time so there are NO air holes [they can fill with water and rot the roots]. Tamp down the soil and add 3-4" of Cedar mulch. The cedar will act as an organic insect repellent. Water the tree for at least 15 minutes to ensure thorough watering. I added decorative stones around it to keep the mulch from moving. It should bloom in a couple of weeks and add more greenery, oxygen and beauty to our yard.
What a view. I recommend finding a tree you like and PLANT IT.
Happy Gardening !
Til Later,
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